
主任医师,博士,硕士研究生导师。主要从事骨关节疾病的诊治;师从于赵德伟教授,致力于年轻股骨头坏死患者的保髋治疗。2016年获得中国骨科医师协会第二批资助赴美学习资格(全国共18名),在美国Joint Implant Surgeons关节中心跟随美国髋关节协会主席Adolph Lombardi教授学习关节外科临床技术及新理念,包括关节微创手术及术后快速康复。辽宁省“百千万人才工程”百人层次人选;第五届大连市青年科技奖获得者。




<Journal of Hip Surgery>杂志编委











1. Daping Cui, Dewei Zhao, Benjie Wang, et al.Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) polysaccharide attenuates cellular apoptosis in steroid-induced avascular necrosis of femoral head by targeting caspase-3-dependent signaling pathway.International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018.4.Epub.

2. Xing Qiu, Liang-liang Cheng, Ben-jie Wang, et al.Micro perfusion and quantitative analysis of the femoral head intraosseous artery.Orthopaedic Surgery.2018,10(1):69-74.

3. Dewei Zhao, Meng Cao, Tienan Wang, Benjie Wang, et al.Pedicled iliac crest bone flap transfer for the treatment of upper femoral shaft fracture nonunion: An anatomic study and clinical applications.Microsurgery.2017,Epub..doi: 10.1002/micr.30278.

4. Fang Cao; Ge Liu; Wei Wang; Benjie Wang,et al.Combined Treatment with an Anticoagulant and a Vasodilator Prevents Steroid-induced Osteonecrosis of Rabbit Femoral Heads by Improving Hypercoagulability.Biomed Research International.2017 (370) :1624074.

5. Xiuzhi Zhang, Haiyue Zu, Dewei Zhao, Ke Yang, Simiao Tian,Xiaoming Yu, Faqiang Lu, Baoyi Liu, Xiaobing Yu, Benjie Wang, Wei Wang, Shibo Huang, Yongxuan Wang, Zihua Wang, Zhaodong Zhang.Ion channel functional protein kinase TRPM7 regulates Mg ions to promote the osteoinduction of human osteoblast via PI3K pathway: In vitro simulation of the bone-repairing effect of Mg-based alloy implant.Acta Biomaterialia.2017,63:369-382.

6. Dewei Zhao, Hui Xie, Yongqing Xu, Yisheng Wang, Aixi Yu, Youwen Liu, Aimin Wang, Wei He, Xiuli Wang, Zirong Li, Wei Sun, Simiao Tian, Benjie Wang, Baoyi Liu.Management of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with pedicled iliac bone flap transfer: A multicenter study of 2190 patients.Microsurgery.2017,37(8):896-901.

7. Dewei Zhao, Xing Qiu, Benjie Wang, et al.Epiphyseal Arterial Network and Inferior Retinacular Artery Seem Critical to Femoral Head Perfusion in Adults With Femoral Neck Fractures.Clinical orthopaedics and related research.2017,475(8):2011-2023.

8. Li, Zhigang; Liu, Baoyi; Zhao, Dewei; Wang, BenJie; Liu, Yupeng; Zhang, Yao; Tian, Fengde; Li, Borui.Protective effects of Nebivolol against interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta)-induced type II collagen destruction mediated by matrix metalloproteinase-13 (MMP-13).Cell stress & chaperones.2017,22(6):767-774.

9. Li, Zhigang ; Liu, Baoyi ; Zhao, Dewei ; Wang, BenJie ; Liu, Yupeng ; Zhang, Yao ; Li, Borui ; Tian, Fengde .Omentin-1 prevents cartilage matrix destruction by regulating matrix metalloproteinases.Biomedicine and Pharmacother.2017,92:265-269.

10. Yu Zhang, Hui Xie, Dewei Zhao, Benjie Wang, Lei Yang, Qingyu Meng.Association of ABCB1 C3435T polymorphism with the susceptibility to osteonecrosis of the femoral head A meta-analysis.Medicine.2017,96(20):1-6.

11. Yupeng Liu, Dewei Zhao, Weiming Wang, Yao Zhang, Benjie Wang, Zhigang Li.Efficacy of core decompression for treatment of canine femoral head osteonecrosis induced by arterial ischaemia and venous congestion.Hip international.2017,27(4) 406-411.

12. Dewei Zhao, Shibo Huang, Faqiang Lu, Benjie Wang, Lei Yang, Ling Qin, Ke Yang, Yangde Li, Weirong Li , Wei Wang, Simiao Tian, Xiuzhi Zhang,Wenbin Gao, Zongpu Wang, Yu Zhang, Xinhui Xie, Jiali Wang, Junlei Li.Vascularized bone grafting fixed by biodegradable magnesium screw for treating osteonecrosis of the femoral head.Biomaterials.2016,81:84-92.

13. Zhijie Ma, Hui Xie, Benjie Wang, Xiaowei Wei, Dewei Zhao.A novel Tantalum coating on porous SiC used for bone filling material.Materials Letters.2016,179:166-169.

14. Zhigang Li Baoyi Liu Benjie Wang , Yupeng Liu Yao Zhang , Fengde Tian ,Borui Li Dewei Zhao .Carvedilol suppresses cartilage matrix destruction.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.2016,480(3):309-313.

15. Weimin Fu, Lei Yang, Benjie Wang, JK Xu, Jiali Wang, Ling Qin, Dewei Zhao.Porous tantalum seeded with bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells attenuates steroid-associated osteonecrosis.European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences.2016,20(12):3490-3499.

16. Yupeng Liu, Dewei Zhao, WM Wang, Benjie Wang, Y Zhang, Zhigang Li.Hemdoynamic changes in osteonecrosis treatment of the femoral head with iliac bone flaps pedicled with the lateral femoral cicircumflex artery ascending branch:A 10-year report.Technology and Health Care.2016,24,S493-S498.

17. Xiaobing Yu, Dewei Zhao, Shibo Huang,Benjie Wang, Xiuzhi Zhang, Wei Wang and Xiaowei Wei.Biodegradable magnesium screws andvascularized iliac grafting for displacedfemoral neck fracture in young adults.BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders.2015,16(1):1-6.

18. Fan Yang, Hu Anfeng, Dewei Zhao, Lin Guo, Lei Yang, Benjie Wang, Fengde Tian, Baoyi Liu, Shibo Huang and Hui Xie. An insertion/deletion polymorphism at the microRNA 122 binding site in the interleukin 1a3' untranslated region is associated with a risk for osteoarthritis MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS(2015).

19. Dewei Zhao,Baoyi Liu,Benjie Wang, Lei Yang,Hui Xie,Shibo Huang, Yao Zhang, and Xiaowei Wei,Autologous Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Associated with Tantalum Rod Implantation and Vascularized Iliac Grafting for the Treatment of End-Stage Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head,BioMed Research International,2015 (2015) ArticleID:240506.

20. Jian-Chuan Wang, De-Wei Zhao*, Lei-Yang, Ben-Jie Wang. STUDY on correlation between bone marrow edema,stage of necrosis and area ratio of necrosis with the hip pain grading in nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head,Latin American journal of pharmacy.

21. Yao Wang, Chong-Jun Xia, Beng-Jie Wang, Xiao-Wei Ma, De-Wei Zhao,The association between VEGF -634C/G polymorphisms and osteonecrosis of femoral head: a meta-analysis,Int J Clin Exp Med,2015;8(6):9313-9319.

22. Zhigang Li,Dewei Zhao,Benjie Wang. Gene Polymorphisms and Glucocorticoid-Induced Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Susceptibility: A Meta-Analysis,Med Sci Monit, 2014; 20: 2811-2816.

23. Zhao Dewei, Liu Baoyi, Benjie Wang,et al; Autologous Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Associated with Tantalum Rod Implantation and Vascularized Iliac Grafting for the Treatment of End-Stage Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. BioMed Research International 2014.

24. Y.P.Liu,D.W.Zhao,Weiming Wang,Benjie Wang,et al; Association of the g.27563G>A osteoprotegerin genetic polymorphism with bone mineral density in Chinese women GMR 2014 13(2):3560-3566.

25. Benjie Wang, Dewei Zhao, Baoyi Liu, Wei Wang.Treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head by using the greater trochanteric bone flap with double vascular pedicles. Microsurgery, 2013, Nov;33(8):593-599.

26. Dewei Zhao, Benjie Wang, Lin Guo, et al.Will a Vascularized Greater Trochanter Graft Preserve the Necrotic Femoral Head? Clin Orthop Relat Res, 2009, Clin Orthop Relat Res,2010,468:1316–1324.

27. Dewei zhao,daping cui, Benjie Wang, Fengde Tian, Lin Guo, Lei Yang, Baoyi Liu, Xiaobing Yu, Treatment of early stage osteonecrosis of the femoral head with autologous implantation of bone marrow-derived and cultured mesenchymal stem cells.Bone. 2012, 50(1):325-30.

28. Zhao DW, LuF Q, Wang WM, Cui DP, Wang BJ, Zhou J, Autologous bone marrow-derived and cultured mesenchymal stem cell therapy for avascular necrosis of the femoral head. Vox Sanguinis, 2012: 263-263.

29. Zhao D, Cui D, Lu F, Wang B, Wang W, Tian F, Guo L. Combined vascularized iliac and greater trochanter graftings for reconstruction of the osteonecrosis femoral head with collapse: Reports of three cases with 20 years follow-up. Microsurgery, 2012, 32(7):546-51.

30. De-wei Zhao ,Xiao-bing Yu, Tian-nan Wang, Ben-jie Wang, et al; Digital subtraction angiography in selection of the vascularized greater trochanter bone grafting for treatment of osteonecrosis of femoral head.Microsurgery,2013,33(8),656-659.

31. Xiao-bing Yu; De-wei Zhao, Shi-zhen Zhong, Bao-yi Liu, Ben-jie Wang, et al. Prospective and Comparative Analysis of Internal Fixation of Femoral Neck Fractures With or Without Vascularized Iliac Graft in Young Adults ,ORTHOPEDICS,2013,36(2):132-138.

32. Dewei Zhao,Yao Zhang,Weiming Wang,Yupeng Liu,Zhigang Li,Benjie Wang,Xiaobing Yu.Tantalum rod implantation and vascularized iliac grafting for osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Orthopedics,2013,36:789-795.

33. Liu Baoyi, Zhao Dewei*, Yu xiaobing, Yang Lei, Guo Lin, Wang Benjie. Effect of superior retinacular artery damage on osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Chinese Medical Journal. 2013.126 (20) :3845-3850.

34. 王本杰,赵德伟,郭林.单纯带血管蒂骨瓣转移与联合钽棒植入治疗股骨头缺血性坏死的比较研究.中华显微外科杂志, 2009.32:271-274.

35. 王本杰,赵德伟,郭林,杨磊,李志刚,田丰德,刘保一.全髋关节置换术治疗成人髋关节发育不良的髋臼重建.中国骨与关节外科杂志,2010,6(3):210-218.

36. 王本杰,赵德伟,郭林,杨磊,李志刚,田丰德,刘保一.带血管蒂髂骨瓣转移治疗股骨颈骨折后股骨头缺血性坏死.中国修复与重建外科杂志,2011(05):526-529。

37. 王本杰,赵德伟,芦健民,杨圣,廉皓屹,付大鹏.显微外科微创技术与传统手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的比较观察. 中华显微外科杂志, 2011 , 34 (3) :182-184.

38. 王本杰,赵德伟,郭林,杨磊,刘保一,傅维民,谢辉. 非症状性股骨头坏死病情转归的影响因素分析. 中华医学杂志,2014,94(21):1627-1630.

39. 王本杰,赵德伟,郭林,杨磊,刘保一,傅维民,谢辉.带血管蒂骨瓣转移治疗双侧股骨头缺血性坏死的疗效分析. 中国骨与关节外科,2014.7(1):15-18.

40. 王本杰,赵德伟,郭林,谢辉,杨磊,傅维民,刘保一,邱兴.骨水泥型和生物型股骨假体半髋置换修复高龄股骨颈骨折. 中国组织工程研究,2015,19(9):1345-1351.

41. 傅维民,王本杰.基于影像学技术股骨头坏死病灶范围、血液供应与病理变化关系:诊断性动物实验方案. 中国组织工程研究,2017,21 (7) :1086-1091.
